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Cracked Mirror
Daddylonglegs - 30/1/10 at 08:46 PM

I had already fitted my mirrors to the scuttle some weeks ago, when I removed the scuttle to carry on with some more chassis work, I left the mirrors bolted to it as it was out the way and safe (or so I thought!).

Anyhow my question is, as I've managed to crack the driver side mirror top to bottom about 1 1/2" from the outside edge, will it fail the IVA?

They ar R1 mirrors which look pretty damn nice and I really don't want to have to get another one as they aren't too cheap

I can still see in it OK, but there is a slight angle change between the 2 bits either side of the crack.

Thoughts please?

adithorp - 30/1/10 at 09:45 PM

I think that might be a fail; distorted image. If there's an angle change then there's also a small blind spot between the 2 images.


wilkingj - 30/1/10 at 10:53 PM

Change it, its got to be cheaper than an IVA restest?

Angel Acevedo - 31/1/10 at 02:30 AM

Borrow one....
Change later....

David Jenkins - 31/1/10 at 09:32 AM

Whether they fail the mirror or not - a poor presentation will not look good to the tester. A broken mirror looks scruffy, which detracts from appearance of the car you've put so much effort into.

If the car looks as though you've put a lot of effort in then you've already made the tester feel happy - if stuff looks scruffy then maybe he won't have such a positive attitude. It shouldn't be like that, but we're talking about human beings here.

Daddylonglegs - 31/1/10 at 06:07 PM

Cheers chaps. Looks like a change is the way to go. I totally agree that the presentation is half the battle, and you are all right, it's not worth being tight after all the hours I've put in.