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What thickness material for aeroscreen
Trev Borg - 28/3/10 at 09:54 PM

Read lots of posts, and my eyes are starting to hurt now.

Simple questions really.

Going to make and aero screen for my MGF (windscreen already chopped off, with two stumpy supports left)

I was thinking of using 4mm Lexan.

Is this the correct stuff to use?

What thickness do i need?

Can I bend it easily enough, as it has to follow the original shape?

What would I pay for a sheet 1500mm by 400mm?

prawnabie - 28/3/10 at 09:54 PM

Try bay plastics on tinterweb i have had good service in the past

austin man - 28/3/10 at 10:03 PM

use a hot air gun to warm it to allow easy bending of the plastic. Dont get too close as it will blister the plastic

matt_gsxr - 28/3/10 at 11:50 PM

4mm lexan is the stuff to use. If you can get UV proof then all the better.

It bends fine for radius if curvature down to 100x the thickness (i.e. 40cm in the case of 4mm thick). Although I have managed a little bit tighter than this on mine and it seems fine.

Heat forming is what they do professionally, but to do this properly it first needs drying as otherwise small pockets of steam form within the material making it go cloudy or blister. Drying at home is not feasible (many hours at 90deg).

Google for Lexan_fabrication_guide.pdf it is a nice material to work with.


Bluemoon - 29/3/10 at 11:12 AM

second bay plastics, got some from them recently (for side screens).


Trev Borg - 29/3/10 at 06:51 PM

Thanks for the replies

The stuff I found on fleabay was about £42 for the piece i needed.

A bloke at work can get it but only in 8 by 4 sheets.

£67 for 5mm polycarb, might come in handy if i knack a few

Can you get the stuff black ?

Trev Borg - 13/7/10 at 10:26 PM

Is perspex / acrylic any good?
or should it definitely be polycarb?

looking on ebay I can get

black acrylic 1500 x 500 x 3mm for £24

clear lexan 1220 x 500 x 3mm for £26

clear acrylic 1500 x 500 x 5mm for £27

clear lexan 1210 x 500 x 4mm for £37

JF - 14/7/10 at 04:36 PM

If I remember correctly acrylic will shatter on impact... not something you want so close to your face.

Lexan is much tougher, so yeah you'll want to go with lexan.

Lexan can easely be painted with the appropriate paint. Modelshops selling RC cars usually have the stuff as it's used for RC car bodies. It's a dull paint witch sticks very well to lexan and stays flexible. Simply spray the inside and you get a lovely shiny finish.

Such a large area might need a few cans though... and they're not cheap.