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New to bodywork
Sprytny - 5/4/10 at 09:54 PM

I am looking to do some basic bodywork at a DIY level. I want to be able to paint some bodywork i.e. the bonnet. What equipment would be recommended as a DIY'er, what are the easiest paints to work with and is there something downloadable that can give me some basic knowledge of this. Anyone seen anything on Utube for example. I want to do the work in the shed: has anyone ventured to do this and have pictures of their master workshop!

blakep82 - 5/4/10 at 09:58 PM

mines basically a dusty garage...
got a 150litre compressor (14cfm, 32amp, 3hp, single phase)
couple of cheap spray guns. can get a decent finish, but by no means pro.

not particularly cheap though...

Sprytny - 5/4/10 at 10:03 PM

Which compressor do you have? Can I get one from Machine Mart that might make sense to buy?

austin man - 5/4/10 at 10:04 PM

Paint is not the nicest of things to use I wouldn't recomment the shed due to ventilation issues.

2 Pack is very harmfull and definitelly needs a respirator/ high quality mask. Cellulose is harmfull but not as much as 2 pack although difficult to get hold of now.

Finish wise 2 pack offers more duarability and an out of the gun shine . My prefference is cellulose less of a shine but more user friendly.

Requirements compressor with a minimium of a 50 litre tank, HVLP gravity fed gun. Tac rags, Mask

I have done some painting outdoors in good weather and achieved a good finish. The Austin in my avtar was painted in 2 pack 4 coats of paint in all including 1 flash coat you couldn't do that with cellulose

emsfactory - 5/4/10 at 10:09 PM

I dont think HVLP is the only way.
I have a devilbiss suction and it s great.

skinned knuckles - 5/4/10 at 10:56 PM

fill in your profile mate. that way, someone near you may invite you round for a bit of a free tutorial. if noone knows where you are, that wont happen

blakep82 - 5/4/10 at 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Sprytny
Which compressor do you have? Can I get one from Machine Mart that might make sense to buy?

thisis the one i went for, but you won't be able to just plug it in your13a socket.

i apperciate what austin man says, you can't buy cellulose from proper paint suppliers, but you CAN get it easily from halfords, as they're a 'diy supplier' not a pro supplier, so they're still allowed to sell it, but is about £30 a litre.

speedyxjs - 6/4/10 at 05:56 AM

You can get fairly decent results from rattle cans available from halfords. My car isnt turning out too bad either!

MakeEverything - 6/4/10 at 07:04 AM

Originally posted by speedyxjs
You can get fairly decent results from rattle cans available from halfords. My car isnt turning out too bad either!

I sprayed an old motorbike fuel tank with spray cans and it came out very well, but on large flat panels, you will see the difference in thicknesses.