I am looking to do some basic bodywork at a DIY level. I want to be able to paint some bodywork i.e. the bonnet. What equipment would be recommended
as a DIY'er, what are the easiest paints to work with and is there something downloadable that can give me some basic knowledge of this. Anyone
seen anything on Utube for example. I want to do the work in the shed: has anyone ventured to do this and have pictures of their master workshop!
mines basically a dusty garage...
got a 150litre compressor (14cfm, 32amp, 3hp, single phase)
couple of cheap spray guns. can get a decent finish, but by no means pro.
not particularly cheap though...
Which compressor do you have? Can I get one from Machine Mart that might make sense to buy?
Paint is not the nicest of things to use I wouldn't recomment the shed due to ventilation issues.
2 Pack is very harmfull and definitelly needs a respirator/ high quality mask. Cellulose is harmfull but not as much as 2 pack although difficult to
get hold of now.
Finish wise 2 pack offers more duarability and an out of the gun shine . My prefference is cellulose less of a shine but more user friendly.
Requirements compressor with a minimium of a 50 litre tank, HVLP gravity fed gun. Tac rags, Mask
I have done some painting outdoors in good weather and achieved a good finish. The Austin in my avtar was painted in 2 pack 4 coats of paint in all
including 1 flash coat you couldn't do that with cellulose
I dont think HVLP is the only way.
I have a devilbiss suction and it s great.
fill in your profile mate. that way, someone near you may invite you round for a bit of a free tutorial. if noone knows where you are, that wont happen
Originally posted by Sprytny
Which compressor do you have? Can I get one from Machine Mart that might make sense to buy?
You can get fairly decent results from rattle cans available from halfords. My car isnt turning out too bad either!
Originally posted by speedyxjs
You can get fairly decent results from rattle cans available from halfords. My car isnt turning out too bad either!