Ticked another little job of the list this afternoon. The radiator cap fitted to the Indy was touching the underneath of the nose cone - So I have
lowered the radiator a few mm so it is now not touching the nose cone.
Thing is, where the cap has been touching the underneath, it has pressed it upwards slightly and has made a "inverted" dent that can be seen
on the nose. Any ideas how I can "push" this back down ? Anyone done anything like it before - Obviously bit concerned about cracking the
gel coat.
I doubt you will be able to do much with that as the cap would be hot and helped cure the grp that shape.(weird stuff grp) Only thing I can suggest is repair the underside with grp and flat down the gel side and slap a sticker on it as cheaper than buying a new nosecone.
I wouldn't bother. Just go for a nice long drive and with a bit of luck when the nosecone gets hot (being sat over the radiator it sure should do) it'll sink back down again
heat it gently with a hot air gun and push the dent down. if you can blow cold air on it even better to cool it at work i call it my rapid heat,rapid cool method