Anyone used one of the CBS wiper mechanism kits? They look like a worm type system with wheel boxes. Do they work well?
Are the tubes flexible and able to be bent to a shape? Anyone else make anything?
CBS wiper system is the old mini system - I bought mine from ebay - CBS kit is exactly the same, but more expensive. If you are building a se7en
style car, you may run into the same problem I did with angles - CBS help here because they (and as far as I am aware only they stock the longer wiper
boxes to give a steeper angle to match the screen) - see my post ref 'wiper angle' in this section from a couple of weeks ago.
To answer your questions posed in your post - they are not really a worm system - it would be more accurate to say 'rack and pinion' - the
motor turns a 2 inch diameter wheel (with a worm - drive gear) which pushes an arm backwards and forwards which is connected to the end of the rack.
This rack runs up and down the 'bundy' tube which has openings in it to allow the two pinion gears on the wiper boxes to mesh with the rack,
turning the wiper shafts.
Yes, the tubes are easily flexible - make sure the 'rack' is inside when you do this - it acts like a plumber's bending spring to help
prevent the tube kinking! Cut the tube to length, flare the end with your brake flaring kit and Bob's your auntie!
But don't buy new! - mine cost £32 plus courier £8 !
[But I can't knock CBS service - they are the no.1 on deliveries - fantastic!!!]
Sorry for such a short answer to a long question, but I've just finished installing mine 2 days ago.
Thanks very much steve, you have just saved me £100.
I read your post about the angle too, all very helpful.
No problemo, grazzle - that's what we're all in the forum for, I've had more than my fair share of help from others on here!
Good luck with finding and fitting!
Regards, Steve.