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How to remove sheet ally at the scrapyard?
Steve&Steve - 30/5/04 at 06:14 PM

I went down the local commercial vehicle breakers yard and the aluminium sheet used for the roof and sides of big wagons looks pretty good for the panelling on a locost.

I was told I could have the roof off a tarpaulin sided HGV for £40 (they often sell the hard sided wagon backs in one piece as sheds!). This would be plenty for us to panel both our chassis (Steve’s & mine) with a fair bit spare I guess.

The problem is… how do I get it? Has anyone done this before? There is no power in the yard so the grinder is out of the question? Also the sheet is usually very strongly bonded to the support cross members, is this a problem?

I don’t mind putting in the elbow grease and hand sawing it out if that’s the way it has to be, but there must be a better way surly!

I have time to think about this as I haven’t built my chassis yet, but thought I’d throw it to you guys as food for thought.


Chris_R - 30/5/04 at 06:44 PM

If cost wasn't an issue you could hire an access platform from someone like HSS, as well as an electric nibbler and a generator. Prolly a little OTT though. hand nibblers from Machine Mart and a couple of pairs of ladders is the elbow grease way.

andrew-theasby - 30/5/04 at 07:08 PM

Blue nosed spanner (oxy accetaline) if you dont have it maybe the scrapyard does that you could use for a few beer tokens.

Ben_Copeland - 30/5/04 at 07:28 PM

Ever heard of battery powered tools !!!???

Can get most tools cheap-enough in battery going versions.

Or petrol powered angle grinder 9" disc

mandy69 - 30/5/04 at 09:00 PM

why bother with all that hassle when the ali will have been battered in a previous life?
Your car will look better if you buy nice shiny new stuff and a damn sight easier as you will have to cut it once......i don't know some people like to make work for themselves!

Tblue - 30/5/04 at 09:14 PM

Stihl saw, £19+vat for a day from Speedy Hire. Smells of premix too.

Peteff - 30/5/04 at 10:25 PM

I assume they are tautliners with riveted tops. The rivets are the big flat ones usually. Get an 8 or 10mm drill bit and just drill the tops off them then prise the panel up. They will be ready for painting though.

Alan B - 30/5/04 at 10:55 PM

Agree with Mandy...will you really save that much after all the extra expenses?

zetec - 31/5/04 at 05:40 AM

As said I would put the time into finding a cheap supplier. Then at least you will get the right grade for each job. I've been quoted £30-£40 for 8x4 sheets, and if two of you are using it then less waste=less cost.

nicklondon - 1/6/04 at 06:43 PM

i worked for 10 years repairing london busses and threw away ali panels every day.some must have been large enough for a get to know your local bus engineer and maybe some ali will grow legs.we also used pop rivets by the bucket load.

craig1410 - 2/6/04 at 11:29 AM

I got 2.5m x 1.25m sheets of 1.2mm thick 5251-H22 alloy sheet with vinyl coating on one side of each sheet for something like £24/sheet. I was ordering 3 sheets so it might cost more for a single sheet but at this price I don't see the point in salvaging it from the HGV. I got mine from Aalco in Cambuslang(Glasgow) but I think they have other depot's throughout the country. Take a look at


ned - 2/6/04 at 11:35 AM

long handled tin snips?
