Came across a cracking post the other day about fitting a Mini wiper system. It was full of photos and measurements. Problem is, DOH!!!, I cant find
it again. Anyone know the link?
I have just received a set of Mini wiper arms and blades off ebay. They may not be quite to OE quality but are perfect for me and only £17 all in.
Came with 2 chrome wsher nozzles, chrome wheel box bezel and chrome nuts for the shaft. Search for 'Mini stainless steel wiper arms and
blades' on ebay. Needless to say I have no connection with the company.
MG Midget ones would work just as well, and the chrome is better.
was it my post? Even if it wasn't hopefully they are helpful?!
This might help too
Ah yes, thats the one, the second one I mean but the first is also very useful. Thanks very much for the reply.