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The Joy of cardboard!!
Jumpy Guy - 3/6/04 at 10:43 AM

Got some great card at work the other day, and spent last night making-
a cardboard bonnet (lovely fit..)
Cardboard side panels..

All in lovely cardboard!!

Sorry, but I had to share!

zilspeed - 3/6/04 at 10:47 AM

Maybe a wee coat of varnish as well in case it rains ?

Jumpy Guy - 3/6/04 at 10:50 AM

mangogroove - 3/6/04 at 11:08 AM

Dont you be taking some guys house! LOL

Get a nibbler from Machinemart to do the ali with it makes the job easyier.

craig1410 - 3/6/04 at 11:51 AM

Don't laugh! It wouldn't be the first cardboard car!! Wasn't the Trabant built out of cardboard?


scoobyis2cool - 3/6/04 at 12:12 PM

Got any pics we can have a laugh... sorry, LOOK at?


theconrodkid - 3/6/04 at 02:13 PM

trabbies are made of some non degradable fibre board,when aliens land on our planet it 1000000 years time the only thing they will find will be a few trabbies