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Decent finish with u-pol cans?
franky - 14/9/10 at 08:37 AM

How good a finish could I expect by using U-pol etch primer/high build primer then gloss white on my ally panels using U-pol rattle cans? Has anyone done similar?

thunderace - 14/9/10 at 08:49 AM

i put all my cans in a jug of very hot water to heat the paint up it helps you get a better finish .

MakeEverything - 14/9/10 at 08:51 AM

It says to use that can at room temperature anyway. Helps the paint flow through the nozzle and gives you a better spray pattern - yes, even out of a can.

franky - 14/9/10 at 09:50 AM

With properly prepared panels and by taking your time would you say its possible to get a nice finish?

RK - 14/9/10 at 11:30 AM

My experience with my interior side panels, and rear glass fibre wings is that yes, it can look very good. Polish after sanding through the grades (you know the drill: 250, wet 400, wet 600, wet 1000) and it will be a nice shiny finish. You will need several coats and perhaps a couple of dozen cans to get a really durable finish though. My wings alone took about 10.

For your side panels, sign vinyl looks good and isn't very expensive on fleabay. This is what I did. I would start on smaller pieces if you go the spray can route. It can be a bit frustrating at times!

40inches - 14/9/10 at 11:51 AM

Very good products and finish. They do a universal plastic primer that will prime PP, 600ml for around a fiver.

loggyboy - 14/9/10 at 12:53 PM

Originally posted by RK
My experience with my interior side panels, and rear glass fibre wings is that yes, it can look very good. Polish after sanding through the grades (you know the drill: 250, wet 400, wet 600, wet 1000) and it will be a nice shiny finish. You will need several coats and perhaps a couple of dozen cans to get a really durable finish though. My wings alone took about 10.

At £6 a can plus primer, prep materials and time, wouldnt it be easier to take them to a bodyshop?

big_wasa - 14/9/10 at 03:32 PM

Its taken two tins just to get my new spoiler primered to a good standard.

I would also take it to a body shop.

franky - 14/9/10 at 05:11 PM

I've got a compressor and a small gun, I guess its worth just having a go with that to see what it looks like......... then in 24months time when I've got some cash take it to a body shop!

RK - 14/9/10 at 09:04 PM

Many body shops in my neck of the woods won't do individual pieces and the ones that do are very expensive. cheaper to use cans and sand down/polish yourself. Plus, if you wreck it you can always touch it up yourself.

beaver34 - 14/9/10 at 09:53 PM

got my alloy panels powdercoated, prepped myself cost about £80 for all interior items and full side panes doing, loads better than painting