I've just come back from a days course on metal finishing with Eckold in Coventry.... it was excellent, and they also do wheeling, louvre, lead
loading and other courses.
Great guys, fabulously talented, and cheap (£60 for the day inc lunch)
Linky here
Website is a bit funny, but go with it!
[Edited on 22/9/10 by chrsgrain]
Cool. What tools did you use, hammers and dollies (i.e. the kind of thing I could afford!)? Or was it for the more expensive tools?
working linky: here
[edit: too slow, you've fixed it already)
[Edited on 22/9/2010 by mcerd1]
tell us a bit more, might fancy some of that myself
Originally posted by Bluemoon
Cool. What tools did you use, hammers and dollies (i.e. the kind of thing I could afford!)? Or was it for the more expensive tools?
Originally posted by Barksavon
tell us a bit more, might fancy some of that myself