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Read about 2 pack paint
Fozzie - 30/9/10 at 01:59 PM

Following on from Flaks post about cellulose paint.

Before making a choice, or, considering, please read this info about 2 pack .....

2 pk linkydink

Painting is a part of our business, and I know this info about 2 pack to be correct.

It is truly lethal stuff.


tony-devon - 30/9/10 at 02:34 PM

which is why the whole new waterbased paint thing is a joke, as instead of spraying cellulose like the rest of the EU, all the workshops and bodyshops are now using waterbased, then 2k over the top?

I still use cellulose for everything, 2k is great but I dont like it

had a mate years back seriously ill, was becuase even though he used proper mask etc, as we thought was right, he was absorbing it through the skin, now thats not good LOL

r1_pete - 30/9/10 at 03:00 PM

You can get single pack, ready to use clear, works out expensive, but it is safe in amateur hands if the relavent precautions are taken, I'll post the details later I do have some on the shelf.

thunderace - 21/2/11 at 12:04 PM

i help out in a spray shop and 2k is very bad,
even seen a guy going blind for just over 1 day after not useing a mask.

skydivepaul - 21/2/11 at 12:27 PM

a friend of mine once offered to spray my car for me at home.
he works in a body shop spraying cars for a living

he says to me,
will paint the car in 2 pack, better finish etc

great i say

he says will have to bring my own mask as it is dangerous stuff.


he didnt realise that you have to plug the mask into the air supply for it to work!!! donut

he was very ill the next day, looked green (mind you that was the colour he sprayed my car)

on the plus side he made a great job of the car

as said be careful with it

JB - 16/6/12 at 09:07 AM

A friend is a lung / respiratory expert and he gave us a talking too about paint, especially 2K.

No more 2K for us. We are now going against all our principles and going to pay to get future paint done by the pros in a proper enviroment.

When you are young you feel immortal. As you get older the risks become more real.