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Mounting front wings/BEC gearchange
marcjagman - 3/10/10 at 08:28 PM

So what is a "normal way" of securing front wings to the stays that's IVA friendly? Nut and bolt, fibreglass, glue? Has anyone got pictures or diagrams of their gearchange for a BEC that I can have a look at for ideas please?

ReMan - 3/10/10 at 08:51 PM

Stuck on with sikaflex
Well keyed/drilled, still stuck after 5 years

adithorp - 3/10/10 at 09:12 PM

Originally posted by marcjagman
Has anyone got pictures or diagrams of their gearchange for a BEC that I can have a look at for ideas please?

What engine?

marcjagman - 3/10/10 at 09:15 PM

CBR 1000F at 90 degrees from what it was when it was in a bike.

adithorp - 4/10/10 at 09:27 AM

Not the same as mine so no point posting pictures of it. Might be worth posting the gearchange question on it's own in the BEC section.

Pezza - 4/10/10 at 04:22 PM

Couple of pics of my gearchange (paddle from Pathfinder on here)

marcjagman - 4/10/10 at 06:20 PM

Thanks for the pics, very useful. If I could afford a flappy paddle thingy I would have one but same principle.