Where did you get your nosecone from?
It is the type I am after, as it has a slightly raised lip where the suspension brackets are mounted.
I have looked at MK's nosecone on roadkill's website and it doesn't have the raised bit and doesn't look as good IMO.
Hi Jimmy
It's an earlier nosecone from a set of glass for a narrow track (escort) based car. The later wide track sets are slightly different but I think you
can still get them. It's not brilliant quality and is slightly pinched at the sides but i think you're right, the step does add a little 'something'.
Give him a ring, he can only say no!
Chris PTM
If he can only say no, then why bother to ring him?
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, and that my dear boy is my job!
sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but the highest form of intelligence