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Which caterh*m screen fits the aries / stuart taylor scuttle
bigbravedave - 1/2/11 at 12:44 PM

Im after a black rimmed heated screen for my stuart taylor, which c*terh#m one fits?

Is it the S3 or the SV screen? Im after a second hand one or similar but ideally a heated one.

Many thanks in advance

BenB - 1/2/11 at 12:57 PM

S3 (ie non wide one)

bigbravedave - 1/2/11 at 12:58 PM

Many thanks

Humbug - 1/2/11 at 03:09 PM

Originally posted by BenB
S3 (ie non wide one)


btw, Dave - it looks like you've got the same scoop as me: Mitsubishi L200?

[Edited on 01.02.2011 by Humbug]