With a view to maybe fitting a full screen at some point in the future, I was thinking of fitting a short screen just to keep the worst of the debris
off the mush.
I guess an acrylic is probably the easiest/quickest.
What recommendations do you guys have (apart from fitting a full screen from the start ) and any idea what the IVA requirements are regarding a
short screen?
First recommendation is: don't fit any screen before IVA. It will only make it more difficult.
Second recommendation: if you do fit one after IVA, use Lexan or another polycarbonate, rather than perspex which can shatter much more easily
I've got a Mac 1 aeroscreen I no longer need if you are interested.
I had the Mac1 sports screen on my Indy and it certainly keeps most of the crud out of your face. I still wore a full face helmet though as a stone or large insect strike could cause serious eye damage.
Originally posted by whitestu
I've got a Mac 1 aeroscreen I no longer need if you are interested.
do were a proper helmet with a good quality visor
stones a large insects hurt
A few months ago I lost the Bluebirds windscreen to a huge stone (about 2 inches in diameter) hurled up from a passing truck only about 50ft infront
of me, saw it almost as it left the trucks wheel but didn’t even have time to move my head when it hit just to the right of my steering wheel at eye
level so don't think you will be able to just duck out the way, you can’t they move just too fast and chances are your eye’s won’t even be
focused on it at all
Fortunately I have saved up several spare windscreens
[Edited on 4/2/11 by Mr Whippy]
Hi Folks,
I am looking at fitting an aeroscreen, but not sure about the height. Any ideas on an ideal height for the screen?