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how to polish out scratches in ali?
Jumpy Guy - 9/7/04 at 01:27 PM

in the process of bending and cutting my side panels, ive scratched the metal.
not deep gouges, but i'm not painting the ally, so bad enough
whats the best way of getting rid? wet n dry? polish?

Big Stu - 9/7/04 at 01:30 PM

The method I used for a really deep scratch was, smooth file, heavy sand paper, wet and dry, then with some chalk rubbed into the paper, then finally a metal polish. Takes forever but does the job.

Mk-Ninja - 9/7/04 at 02:17 PM

If there only minor scratches you can get them out with a scotchbrite pad ( like a pan cleaner) and then use metal polish.
It hard work, dont think theres any easy way.

ned - 9/7/04 at 02:22 PM

easy way? how about stick a scotch brite pad on a random orbital sander


*ps totally untried or tested, probably a crap idea.

lewis635 - 9/7/04 at 03:15 PM

For the final polishing use brasso and rub with a bit of cardboard, comes up a treat.

Mark Allanson - 9/7/04 at 09:47 PM

2000 paper, then Farecla G3, 30 seconds work with a machine mop