What glass do I need for making a 7 windscreen car is already registered so no problem with IVA. Do I want toughened or laminated.
I think i am correct in saying laminated. Touhened will shatter into lots of pieces and laminated willsmash but stay together. I am sure laminated is what is on std tin tops.
laminated, toughened will shatter and was the original screen glass until laminated screens took over
My windscreen man used a Land Rover flat screen to make mine. The advantage of this is that it has all the necessary markings on it that would be OK for IVA although I didnt need it as mine was SVA'd without a screen.
If you just fit the side supports and the frame, you will save yourself ever having to clean the glass!
"If you just fit the side supports and the frame, you will save yourself ever having to clean the glass!" and you don't lose 10mph top end either.
Thanks,do not need the markings so will probably just go to local glazing place and get a piece of laminated glas cut from a template.
Thanks,do not need the markings so will probably just go to local glazing place and get a piece of laminated glas cut from a template.
Autoglass, Mobile Windscreens cut laminated glass all the time for stuff like plant cabs, Tractors etc