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mad-butcher - 19/8/11 at 08:20 AM

What exactly are the symtoms of isocyonate asthma been spraying it for years and seemed to have got away with using an ordinary mask, but last year sprayed the bonnet of the Blade only a 10 minute job and since then nothing but breathing problems and a cough that comes and goes but feels like somethings stuck in my throat and when I get an attack it feels like my throats burning, quack says it just smoking and old age, but the mates ventolin inhailer seeems to help for a while.


[Edited on 19/8/11 by mad-butcher]

Strontium Dog - 19/8/11 at 09:41 AM

Er, how about stop smoking? I did 5-6 years ago and it's the best thing I ever gave up! Lol. Lots of money saved that I can spend on parts and I feel so much healthier but still want one now and again!

As to spaying 2-pack, a normal mask IS NOT good enough and you are asking for health problems. Get an air fed full face mask, you only live once!

tilly819 - 19/8/11 at 10:25 AM


Chek out this link it gives a good overview of issocyonate based occupational ashma

There are loads of pages on the menu that you can go between.

As above some people can go years without any problems just like some people can smoke all there lives without any trouble however some people are very sincitive to "triggers" and others have had a build up within there system over many years and only comes to light in later life.

mine started after spraying my roadster, no trouble up to then always wore what was suposed to be a 2K rated mask but not air fed main problem was that it was not a perfect seel around my face. you should also cover the rest of your body as it can get in threw eyes and skin though not to the same extent as inhilation. about 6 months after painting my roadster i made some new front arches and descided to give them a quick paint (no trouble up to this point) about 20 mins later i am on my hands and knees crawling to the garage door after almost colapsing in the garage, luckaly i was very neer an exit since i feer if i had passed out i would be dead. Got outside tryed to take some deep breaths with what had become a constricted airway and tight lungs. abit of a cough and a headache soon followed.

I am fine day to day but soon feel faint and get a tight chest when i get a whif of a "trigger" i dont use an inhaler but i do have a power brethe that i use sometimes to help enlarge lung capacity and also do a good amount of cardio excersise to help keep my lungs in good condition.

if you think you have the same thing go and see the quack and tell him you think you have occupational ashma from painting cars with 2 pack paint.

i still use 2 pack sometimes but i invested heavly in a piped workshop air supply, filters and air fed painting equipment. best thing to do IMO is to switch to water based.

hope this helps, any questions feel free to ask, have a good read of the link
oh and stop smoking


tilly819 - 19/8/11 at 10:32 AM

here is another intresting thread on 2 pack paint and its effects
and here


[Edited on 19/8/11 by tilly819]