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Mirror Help Needed
RoadkillUK - 1/8/04 at 04:14 PM

Does anyone have this type of mirror fitted and if so, could you tell me where the metal plate goes?
Is it to hold the rubber in place?
Does it go on the other side of the GRP?

I don't have a clue

Mark Allanson - 1/8/04 at 05:40 PM

I've got CBR600 mirrors too, but I havent fitted them yet, the left one looks like it will need cutting and rewelding before I can see anything out of it. Has anyone fitted them without mutilation?

RoadkillUK - 1/8/04 at 07:59 PM

Got this email from El Quinlan

That plate goes on the outside to hook the rubber boot over. You need a set of large penny washers to spread the loading. (should some one grab the mirror climbing in or out)

Macspeedy fitted those mirrors but was trying to replace them as the boot keeps un hooking it self from the plate. Hope that helps.

It seems the mirrors are badly designed but will pass SVA imo.