Which would you guys recommend for general fibreglass supplies:
East Coast?
Prices seem pretty much identical.
had good service from east coast
another vote for East Coast
Had good service from CFS.... always seems good quality. Postage is fairly pricey though for small orders
Ordered a couple of times from CFS and both came promptly. Can't complain.
Third vote for ECG.
Another option which I've had reasonable luck with, particularly if you only need small quantities, is to go to you local boat builder/composite
part manufacture who might buy bulk quantites and give them cash for the amount you need.
Thanks for the replies guys
East coast if its a big order. postage is high :O( if you get a small amount it works out better to find somewhere closer.
Postage is high on resiny stuff due to what it is, plus it tends to be heavy...my vote goes to CFS for mailorder.