Were can i get louvres cut into my bonnet?
I dont mind a small ish trek, to get it done properly
In what material stainless or ali.
In an Alui bonnet on my 7
You need to find a local sheet metal fabricator with a punch press or turret press and the tooling, especially if they aren't busy.
Plenty of video's on youtube of the process - there's nothing to it if you've marked up where you want them (note American speling).
I made my own stamper from a few bits of scrap
Louve stamper
Cut slots in the bonnet for the open side, lined it up and whacked with a hammer
Essentially it's an angled plate dropping into a loosely fitted open box, the arms are just to keep everthing alligned.
louve stamper close
I got a bit carried away as I was enjoying myself
Bonnet louves
Regards Mark
[Edited on 6/12/11 by mark chandler]
Cool louvres, not sure if they are still about as website is a dead link, last I heard they had had to shut down their unit and were looking for new
They are(were) based in Alton, Hants so if they have moved it shouldnt be far from you!
Might be worth a message to Scutter as he had his done. Cost him a £5 a hole which seems a lot to me but they did look really good!
A less nice solution but cheaper and easier- welding or rivetting an ali louvred vent in the bonnet. Mine cost about £2 but not fitted as don't
know a 'nice' way to do it! lol