I'm looking to keep this lowcost for my locost 7. Picked up a classic mini wipers and the loom with the cylinder motor with long metal bit that
has the two bits the wipers would connect up to.
What else will I need?
Will a band need put between the two?
How will it work?
Can I wire it up tp the ford steering that has a wiper stalk?
Also I know the wipers are 10" and they are massive now I look at it.
Am I barking up the wrong tree?
It cost me £30 for what I got and by all accounts on the mini spares forum that would have been way more expensive.
I am new to this so don't be too cruel
(Don't be fooled by the avatar... I used to have a Stuart Taylor)
Sounds like you've got most of what you need. Even with shorter blades you might need to get shorter wiper arms (or cut down the Mini ones like I
did), otherwise there is too big an unwiped area close to the spindles.
Yes, you can wire it up to Sierra wiper stalks. Here is a link to the Sierra wiper diagram:
Some other stuff here: http://www.locostbuilders.co.uk/viewthread.php?tid=139898
Do a search and there is quite a lot of stuff on here
Good luck
[Edited on 17.01.2012 by Humbug]
Wiper wiring is a long subject. I recommend a specific, wiper switch if you want to use the park feature. Otherwise, you are heading for a large headache. I know this first hand.
That was comprehensive cheers I think I have enough to go on with all the opinions and diagrams from the threads and links.
I wired a mini motor to Sierra stalks no problem.
Wheel boxes clamp though the scuttle, easy.
Just finding a place and correct angle for the motor.
Used some 10mm copper micro bore and beveled the ends with a brake pipe flare tool.
Wiring diagram on the Robin Hood owners club site
Make sure you fit them so they wipe the right way. I didn't and now the coverage of the wipers on the passenger side is much better than on the
drivers side.
a way of altering the wipers park side is to seperate the plastic gear from the steel pinion, gently tap the two apart and turn the gear round 90
degrees then tap back, you'll see that it's already got two holes in so you can't go wrong, there are also a number of different ratios
which can make a difference as to the amount of screen covered, i've got 120 degree in mine for my haldane.
hope that helps
a way of altering the wipers park side is to seperate the plastic gear from the steel pinion, gently tap the two apart and turn the gear round 90 degrees then tap back, you'll see that it's already got two holes in so you can't go wrong, there are also a number of different ratios which can make a difference as to the amount of screen covered, I've got 120 degree in mine for my haldane.
As stu says worst bit is getting the wheel box holes in the correct place. I think you can get a good sweep either way, you can swap the sweep by
turning the wheel boxes upside down... I used a lot of tape marker pen and patience playing with the wippers to get the holes in the correct place,
after determining the "sweep angle", took the best part of a day before I was happy drilling the holes, and it's not perfect....
It's complicated as the screen angle and wheel box angles seem to play a roll. Also I don't advice using copper pipe, this will work but
will ware quickly you should really use "bundy" tube with is plated steel I think, you might have enough from the mini to chop down.. My
wipers have ended up <7in long (chopped down straight blades) but do wipe most of the screen...
[Edited on 18/1/12 by Bluemoon]
ETA the wheel should be turned 180 degrees not 90 sorry, it is easy though, if i can do it anyone can
Murphy - this might help to explain the basics of the mini wiper system Linky
They also sell the bits [should add that SVC are NTDWM but I got my bits from them]