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Advice/Help offered with GRP body work
Fred W B - 3/2/12 at 11:13 AM

Those following my slow progress on my CANAMSA project will have realised that I had a lot to learn with regard to GRP bodywork. I have received help from many sources, not least from a gentleman by the name of John Spratt, who contacted me by email after seeing some detail of my project on the web.

He is a professional GRP fabricator, and has been good enough to take the time to reply to my questions with lots of helpful advice.

In our most recent correspondence, he says:

“If there is any chance you could give me a mention on the website so I can help others building cars related to GRP work, it would be most appreciated. Far more interesting than building boats.”

So if anyone has any questions on the subject, feel free to contact John on email address

Johnspratt “at”


Fred W B

Mike Wood - 7/2/12 at 12:19 AM


Here are some useful books:

Miles Wilkins's excellent book on grp car repair and painting (including making repiar panels and laminating them in properly) available as a single volume reprint from Lotus Books in Germany:

And Simon McBeath's 'Competition Car Composites'

Best wishes