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Jumpy Guy - 6/9/04 at 12:29 PM

Yesterday, i thought Id finish off painting the rear chassis of the car.
i had already used Hammerite Stone Chip protector paint, then two coats of laquer.
it was very dirty, so thought id degrease it before i did any more work.,
disaster! the degreaser dissolves the paint, laquer, the lot, leaving a gloopy mess you can rub off with a cloth...
so... will this ever 'reset'? will it eventually cure, and can i paint on top?

or will i have to scrape/blowtorch the lot off, and start from scratch??

Hugh Paterson - 6/9/04 at 05:24 PM

Ooops, It will remain soft I suspect better to blast it off and start again, pity your South off the wall or I would have done it for you

[Edited on 6/9/04 by Hugh Paterson]