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how do i widen my nose cone
samjc - 8/7/12 at 12:46 PM

Hi all. looking at my kit and wundering hows best to widen my nose cone to hide my chassie a bit more. im using a +442 chassi with mk indy style nose cone and mnr bodywork else where. ive had to cut and start drawing up how im going to widen the mnr body work to suit but for the nose cone im unsure weather to use premade fiberglass bodywork bits but unsure were to find these as i like the mnr type nose cone, on the other hand i could cut and own bits was going to fiberglass a cone and cut it in half then try fibberglassing it to the nose cone.

any better ideas ??
As i feel im missing info and worried ill make a big mess.

RK - 8/7/12 at 02:11 PM

Like this:

mark chandler - 8/7/12 at 02:18 PM

I cut a wavy line down the middle of mine with a jig saw, wavy enough so that when seperated if you look up up the cut the bits overlapped.

Next screw a couple of bits of wood anlong the outside edges, where the bonnet meets the nose cone, along to grill edges and on the last edge that meets the chassis, so the whole thing is now nice and rigid.

Now over the airgap between the two parts on the outside edge pulled gaffer tape over the top giving it shape (because its a wavy cut you have twice the bonded edge, the slight curve is followed across and you will not end up with a couple of ridges) then backfilled with resin and matting.

Once cured removed the wood and gaffer tape, then just filled and sanded the top

Finished front
Finished front

samjc - 8/7/12 at 04:02 PM

Think ill use RK's link as idea as im after a saturn style flare or some half cones to cover the chassie bits and exposed bolt heads.

svante - 9/7/12 at 09:50 AM

I did like this:
When i ordered the nosecone i asked to have a piece plasted from the middle of the mould so i could widen it myself. But its as easy to do by yourself.

All the pictures are in my folder:
Svantes nosecone

And with some plaster on top