Has anybody out there used fireblade wing mirrors.I have a chance of 1999 mirrors but unsure whether to bid on them or not as regards getting the right view in them.I hear you have to cut a wedge to throw the mirror.Is this true?.
I bought a pair of 'Blade mirrors for my Locost. I haven't fitted them yet, but yes, either they'll have to be modified or I'll have to make up an angled mounting block if I don't want to end up looking at my own elbows! You're in N.I.? Me too - Lurgan. Are you far away?
Fireblade mirrors can be fitted without making up a wedge or modifying them. You can mount them on the scuttle with the base at an angle
I have CBR600 mirrors (is that a fireblade?). I have not fitted them yet, the nearside one looks like it is going to need some bending to get a decent
view out of it as it is obviously designed for the driver to be closer to it.
Hellfire, have you got any pictures of how you located yours?
CBR600 and fireblade mirrors I believe are the same, although you can get short and long stemmed ones. We located them by one of us sitting in the
drivers seat whilst the other held the mirror on the scuttle. When we were happy with the view, we marked the scuttle and fitted them.