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Distance between exhaust and bonnet
Jonte - 15/9/04 at 01:54 PM

My exhaustsystem comes out through the bonnet from my Pinto. It gets really hot and I´m worried about the bonnet.
So how much distance do you have between bonnet & exhaust?
Have you put aluminum on the inside of the bonnet?

ned - 15/9/04 at 02:40 PM

you can always wrap the exhaust headers with the heat trasnfer type bandage. MAtt Claydon has done this and he recons it gives a good reduction in heat under the bonnet...


scoobyis2cool - 15/9/04 at 05:19 PM

I've got exactly the same trouble with my Indy, haven't had any trouble yet but then I haven't had the engine running with the bonnet on for very long, no more than a few mins at medium temperature.

I'm considering cutting my exhaust hole a little bit bigger and just hoping! How much clearance have you got? i'd say at the nearest points on mine the clearance is probably less than 5mm


Jonte - 16/9/04 at 08:13 PM

I´ve got 5-10mm for now. I´m gonna make some nice aluminiumcover later.

JoelP - 16/9/04 at 10:21 PM

i suspect you will have trouble with this as it stands. Mine are wrapped in the insulation from 'proven products', and there is about an inch all round to the bonnet. ive not actually driven it with the bonnet on yet though...

Jonte - 17/9/04 at 05:49 AM

Exhaust insulation is on its way, actually ordered it yesterday