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locost windscreen
dirtysteve - 23/10/12 at 10:15 PM

hi everyone, is there a place where i can buy a windscreen for my locost?, or maybe have one made?, cheers, steve

Barkalarr - 23/10/12 at 10:23 PM

If you manage to find somewhere, I'll have one for the Indy.
Or, if anyone has a template surely someone on here can make a few of them - this question keeps popping up on here.

dirtysteve - 23/10/12 at 10:51 PM

kit parts direct used to have them, but there's no sign on there website 8(

designer - 23/10/12 at 11:24 PM

Take a pattern to most car glass places and they will cut one for you.

dirtysteve - 24/10/12 at 05:53 AM

it's the frame thats the problem

whitestu - 24/10/12 at 06:55 AM

I bought a secondhand Caterham screen and frame. They come up on Ebay from time to time and aren't very expensive. Mine cost £50.


907 - 24/10/12 at 07:14 AM

Mine was cut from a Land Rover screen. CE marks, the lot.

Paul G

SeanStone - 24/10/12 at 07:35 AM

I've got one I can sell you. Pretty sure I've got the frames that go on the body too somewhere

U2U me and we can sort something out

RK - 24/10/12 at 12:53 PM

GBS do frames. I bought one from them, trimmed it down, took it to a glass maker, and installed it on my car!

Barkalarr - 25/10/12 at 06:23 AM

I've had a u2u reply from the guy on here who makes them this morning.
If you shoot "mangrooveworkshop" a u2u I'm sure he'll add you to his list when he starts making them in the near future

mangogrooveworkshop - 5/11/12 at 11:49 AM

Guys I have the equipment to make the screen frames ect for the various cars.

Im just not able to do them at the moment till i sort out a huge domestic problem.

If you can get the rubbers and the aluminium together in a tube ready to post that
would be of great benefit to the cause.

Most you have followed my story in the last few years so you will know the reason

Life has a way of throwing curved balls fortunately i saw it coming and caught the ball,
still does damage in other ways

dirtysteve - 12/11/12 at 09:37 PM

hi folks, i know this thread is a bit old now but i need some advise, i was offered a screen from a narrow westfield which was 35" across, and my locost is approx 41" across and flat across the top does this sound standard? or will i need a custom screen?, cheers in advance, steve

mark chandler - 12/11/12 at 10:38 PM

Mine was from a wide bodied Westfield and fitted my home brew scuttle quite well, not sure how good they would fit a locost one. Car is based upon original dimensions.

Not Anumber - 14/11/12 at 10:14 AM

I was in a similar position looking for a screen and weather gear for my Indy. After a lot of pondering and looking around I went for a GBS Zero windscreen and ordered a hood and doors at the same time. Its not far off finished and I will post photos and instructions as soon as Ive sorted the wipers and fine tuned the hood frame. The different length of cockpit between the two cars was easilly overcome by fitting the windscreen slightly further back on the scuttle which set the right front point for the hood and doors to fit.

dirtysteve - 19/11/12 at 10:48 PM

i look forward to seeing how you get on,