In the last half hour of working on the car on Saturday, I made up an exhaust cowl. It is in its rough stage, but if it stays it will be smoothed into
the side panel and I would spend a bit more time into the shaping. Is it worth spending time on, or scrap bin fodder?
Rescued attachment ExhaustCowl.jpg
I like it. I think it looks good.
sorry mark in my opinon, i'd go with clean sides, and bin it.
ATB Dan.
I am going to put something there, to 'protect' my flexible sections from a man with 4" balls
Looks good to me. Nice idea.
If its got a purpose.. keep it
If its got No purpose... bin it
This is the reason why I need something
Rescued attachment ExhaustCowl2.jpg
Sorry, that was a bit big!!
Well keep it for SVA anyway.... thenmakea decision on whether you wanna keep it
I did mine with some 40 grit round a dowel. It's not contactable where it is anyway because it's flat.
Could you not wrap the exhaust for SVA??
I rather like it, or a shorter one.
I think it looks ok, its different and theres nowt wrong with that.
Think it would look better if the angle of the cowl matched the angle of exit of the exhaust...or is it just the picture that makes it look like it
Originally posted by Peteff
I did mine with some 40 grit round a dowel. It's not contactable where it is anyway because it's flat.
Exhaust wrap would be easiest then. Does the cowl fasten round the exhaust or will it rivet to the bodywork?
It it stays, it will be folded over the inner return on the side panel, with a bead of JB weld for good measure
Nah, that looks pretty good on it, my vote is keep it. Makes it look more proffesional.
if it serves the purpous you intended it to do then keep it!