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Double bubble aero screen ?
Jon Ison - 16/4/13 at 10:53 PM

Have a Perspex screen at mo, it works to a point and flips most air over my head, what's your experience of the double bubble ones, do they work ?

madteg - 17/4/13 at 05:40 AM

They work very well cuts nearly all the buffeting down,

AndyW - 17/4/13 at 09:54 AM

Just about to fit my screen, hopefully it keeps some of the wind out my face!!

Aeroscreen trial fit
Aeroscreen trial fit

yellowcab - 17/4/13 at 07:12 PM

They're brilliant for diverting air over your head... as the driver you will get a cold shoulder though left one

scutter - 17/4/13 at 07:51 PM

Well worth the upgrade, having had both. The comfortable speed you could travel at rose from 45 to 70 mph.

Regards Dan.

Right now
Right now


yellowcab - 17/4/13 at 08:00 PM

nothing but a reason to post a pic Jon:



scutter - 17/4/13 at 08:28 PM

I was suprised how high you could leave the aeroscreen before it entered your eyeline. Just looking at the Combe picture.

ATB Dan.

[Edited on 17/4/13 by scutter]

Oswin2013 - 17/4/13 at 08:40 PM

the aeros look great in carbon