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Question for the fibreglassing pros
corrado vr6 - 22/8/13 at 11:02 PM

Hi there,

I've extended in width my jago wings by cutting them and glassing in a new centre piece. Now when I did this I made a wiggly cut to make the join longer and to help stop cracking, I also glassed in some rubber hose on the underside to create some box sections for strength, my question is should I now grind off the top surface and chamfer it out and then lay a couple of layers of csm in so it's effectively joined on both sides or just leave it as it is fill sand and paint, baring in mind I want to do everything possible to help prevent cracking

Thanks in advance

Bare - 23/8/13 at 02:35 AM

You have done exemplary patching.. so far.
Yes you could make it stronger.. BUT it will not matter a whit when you smack the next tree.
And if for steet/poser use? it needs only be strong enough to support its paint.

twybrow - 23/8/13 at 04:58 AM

Ideally you should have chamfered the edge before you glassed the patch (on the back side of the part), but I certainly wouldn't do it now... I would sand flat, spray some high primer, flat that back and then spray as normal on top. There is a risk you get a crack appearing at a later date, but I think it is unlikely.

corrado vr6 - 23/8/13 at 06:24 AM

Superb news, even better as I did chamfer the back edge before glassing, so it should be a nice strong joint, good to hear
On to the other side

[Edited on 23/8/13 by corrado vr6]

Volvorsport - 23/8/13 at 03:26 PM

yep just paint it , high build polyester reface underneath the paint.

you could grind the join out and put some choppers in , but thats more like repairing an old crack...

i would protect the underside with a liner as the first big stone/object to get flicked up by your tyres will put a lovely star crack in it .....

corrado vr6 - 23/8/13 at 06:02 PM

Nice idea about the liner!