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How flexible is 4 mm MDF?
Mave - 18/10/04 at 03:52 PM

I'm looking for cheap material to make a mould for my bonnet. Does anyone know if 4 mm thick MDF would be flexible enough to follow the typical curvature on a Seven's bonnet?
(the reason I ask is that the local DIY-stores don't have it, but could order it).

stephen_gusterson - 18/10/04 at 04:01 PM

its not very flexible at all!

I think hardboard would be better, but you will struggle with that too I think



scoobyis2cool - 18/10/04 at 04:01 PM

Gut reaction says no, best way to test it is to go into B&Q and try bending some. If it snaps, run like hell!


timf - 18/10/04 at 04:09 PM

find some flexi ply in you local timber merchant.
if that fails use a skill saw to cut a series of kerfs into the mdf so that there is about 1.5 mm remaining then it shiuld form gentle curves

MikeR - 18/10/04 at 04:50 PM

they do a special MDF for going round bends, its basically what was just described above and is flexible - although I suspect only in 1 plane.

mangogrooveworkshop - 18/10/04 at 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Mave
I'm looking for cheap material to make a mould for my bonnet. Does anyone know if 4 mm thick MDF would be flexible enough to follow the typical curvature on a Seven's bonnet?
(the reason I ask is that the local DIY-stores don't have it, but could order it).

Why not ALI

ray.h. - 18/10/04 at 05:32 PM

Yes mdf is available with grooves cut in the back so you can bend it.I know cos we use it at work.Unfortunately it only bends in one direction but for a bonnet that should be ok.We buy it in 8by4 sheets and the grooves run across rhe short way so if your bonnet is longer than 4 feet you will have to do it in sections.
Good luck Ray...

JoelP - 18/10/04 at 05:33 PM

waste of good ally making a mould out of it! unless you mean make the actual bonnet out of it!

how hard is this? im faced by the daunting task of having to sort my bonnet soon, out of the two halves i have.

Mave - 18/10/04 at 05:44 PM

Yes, I agree; it's a waste of ally! And the MDF is much cheaper too. I've tried to find flexi ply, but it seems normal DIY stores don't stock it. Hmm, might have to find an alternative....

kipper - 18/10/04 at 06:41 PM

I don't think the flexi MDF will work for a bonnet in one piece because of the taper from the scuttle to the nose, it will only bend in one plane.
You could make the bends and join them to the flat top section if you make some suporting framework. good luck ,Kipper

sebastiaan - 20/10/04 at 10:31 AM


Wet MDF should bend fairly easily, and might just even hold its new shape once dry angain. Do some tests...


SeaBass - 20/10/04 at 01:33 PM

You can get some very thin birch ply which will flex and bend for your application but it will cost you...

Have you thought about plastic? Styrene sheet at about 1.5mm thick would be very flexible and easy to work. Cheap if you get from a plastics supplier. Don't know how you'd get on with releasing etc though.


[Edited on 20/10/04 by SeaBass]

Mave - 20/10/04 at 06:01 PM

I've found some flexible 4 mm multiplex. I'll try it with that, and see what happens...

To be continued (see website).......

David Jenkins - 20/10/04 at 06:24 PM

I wouldn't try wetting MDF - you'll end up with a pile of soggy wood-pulp.
