Has anyone tried finding replacement mirror glass for the Lolocost wing mirrors?
It's not that I've broken one - just that the field of view is useless* and I was thinking about replacing the mirrors with convex ones.
Would be nice to be able to take the old ones out & just stick new ones in!
* I only passed the SVA mirror test 'cos the tester gave me the benefit of the doubt - I must agree that I agree with him now!
Bought the same ones and they are now gathering dust in the shed. Short of those long extended mirrors for towing caravans I think it is impossible to
get a good rear vision because too low on the scuttle you don't see over the rear wing too high on the scuttle moves the mirror inboard and then
your shoulder / rollbar blocks everything. Like you my tester passed the mirror view by adjusting the mirror and then screwing his head into an
impossible position. He passed it because
a) He wanted to pass the car
b) I told him my rear vision was fine (I am 6' 2" he was 5' 6"
I manage with a centre mirror on the top of the screen and always checking over my shoulder before pulling out or pulling in.
- Alan
It's the opposite for me!
The inside mirror is a waste of time, and is only there 'cos the SVA says that I have to have one. All I can see is shoulders!
The outside ones are OK-ish, but limited, hence my query.
Hi David
Try this for an idea.....
Some years ago, when I was even more (tight) careful than I am now, I had the misfortune to crack one of the mirrors on my Honda NTV motor bike. Off
to the srappy I went, after finding I could carefully prise out the rubber insert complete with glass, and got a convex glass from a car with a mirror
slightly oversize. The scrappy let me have it for nowt, probably took pity on me. I then, using the old glass as a pattern, carefully ground down the
glass all round to match, and hey presto, new mirror. Worth a try?
Pete (Oldgit)
I was looking for an easier alternative, like "go to Halfrauds and get a replacement mirror for a Mazota Yalude" or similar.
Mind you, I notice that Lolocost now sell these mirrors with convex lenses as standard - I wonder if they do replacements? Knowing their reputation
for wonderful customer relations, I'm reluctant to phone...
if you make a pattern, halfrauds will get you one cut. you can get them in flat, convex or anti dazzle(possibly convex as well)
make sure your pattern is good tho cos they're cut exact!
just a thought
Didn't know they did that! Sounds like a job for saturday...