I am looking to fix the front mudguards and I have heard that Dax use a setting adhesive made by Wurth. Has anyone here used it? Is it recommended -
advantages / disadvantages? And where can I get it? Maybe there are other products to do the same job??
According to a colleague he hasn't had any problems with it and he's been driving around all summer in his Dax and they haven't come
off yet!!!.
Just seeing if there is a way (your opinions welcomed) to mount the mudguards without having to drill them!!
[Edited on 21-10-2004 by Donners90]
[Edited on 21-10-2004 by Donners90]
Sikaflex - does the job as far as i know MK swear by the stuff
I've used Wurth and it is almost exactly the same as Sikaflex (just a different name) Not bad stuff, should be ok for what you need it
Or you could encapsulate big heads into the wings as u laminate em and just use a good old washer & nut like I do
If you are going to laminate anything into the wing it may as well be the bracket!
That way it will be slimmer.
I used Sikaflex & then fibreglassed over the bracket.
You can get Wurth's PU Sealant from this guy who can sell it direct.
It is the equivalent of Sikaflex, but generally a fair bit cheaper. Available in various colours.
Ring this gentleman...Andy Cocker 07789 745532. He should be able to help you.
is U-Pol "tiger sealant" (black PU adhesive stuff). The same as the above products ?
What it so wrong with bolting them on? That way if they get dinged, which I am sure they are vulnerable to, they are not going to be a total arse to get off?
You will always be watchin them
and when they let go ITS TO LATE
Been there done it ,they dont half
fly at 80+.