hi. I'm trying to get a few jobs done on the kit before the nice weather comes. one of my door hinges has been a bit dodgy for a while but I've been keeping an eye on it. But last time I was out it had got worse and it looks like it has been repaired before. So I've been trying to find a pair of new hinges without any success. They're the lift off type and 50 mm high. They are probably the same as most other people's door hinges. Anyhow I've looked in all the usual places and getting a bit fed up of looking for them to be honest. I did find some stainless ones but they were a tenner each which I thought were quite expensive. Can't even remember where I found them now! So can somebody on here tell me where I can get a pair of reasonably priced hinges from? please. - Nick
Hi nick hope your well car builder solutions sell them but there £8.40 inc vat stainless steel .
I got mine from Wixroyd ,reasonable prices, but, like most places, watch the postage charges
cbs price is for a pair if I remember right, or try westfield parts shop
they sell either side male or female
Glass doors on cooking ovens use lift off hinges maybe talk to local cooker repair shop get a set and powder coat. I think it might only work for one door as most ovens we have owned have hinged on the lhs!
Originally posted by 40inches
I got mine from Wixroyd ,reasonable prices, but, like most places, watch the postage charges