Can anyone with a Westfield measure this dimension please?
There are a number of different Westfield models. The picture looks like and SEi, but I'm no expert. I've got a Prelit which is definitely
different from the one shown in the picture. Below is a link to a pdf copy of a build manual. On page 53 it gives the dimension from the top of the
windscreen to the bottom of the roll bar. Hopefully this helps.
Is it a new build or are you trying to get the angle of the screen pillars ?
Ille post the question on the wscc website if you tell me what kit it is
As neil said theres lots of variants
If you are positioning the scuttle or windscreen the datum point is the crossmember behind the seats.
I have a pdf of two differnet build manuals showing this if required.
Mine is;
Front edge of screen to centre of roll bar 101cm
Thanks for the replies. I don't have a Westfield, just weighing up the possible options for a Half Hood for the MK.
The half hoods for Westfields and Caterhams are around £160, but for the MK I have been quoted between £300-£400
I know the Caterham is to small, but it seems that so is the Westfield. Booger!