I have a toughened, laminated screen cut for my car but need to trim a corner off at the bottom to allow passage of a screw.
It will be a straight line across a corner any tips how to cut this type of glass.
If it's toughened then I doubt if you can cut it, laminated you need to use a glass cutter on both sides of the glass the by tapping the glass to crack off the section you want to remove, then use meths along the crack which when lit will soften the cEnter layer then trim off with a Stanley knife. That's the theory , I haven't done it myself but have seen a plant windscreen done that way . Best of luck
it can be done, as this youtube vid shows (ps don't know whey it repeats itself after 5 mins..)
I googled cutting laminated glass, it looks so easy in the pictures it's not.
I then bought a diamond tipped cutting disc for my angry grinder and cut with this, hold it tightly so it does not snatch, bit of gaffer tape and go
slowly, I was chopping up 6' X 4' panes to small sections for my shed, worked a treat.
Yes, I have ordered some diamond discs for the dremmel I only need to make a cut about 25mm long across a corner each side to allow frame to screw together.
Windscreen has to be laminated, not toughened. It's be a good idea to check what you actually have before setting to it with a cutter. Toughened will shatter into small bits.
As above my understanding is that a windscreen has to be laminated, but not toughened. This is why it breaks up in small pieces and doesn't fall into the car, which would cause injury to the occupants. Have you spoken to a glass fitting (glazing) company to see if they can tackle it for you? They may have the tools and experience to do it for a small charge.
There was an article in PPC a couple of issues back about cutting a windscreen (for a chopped Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow).
You could a order back issue or a get scan if anyone round here has a copy.