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vintage style fenders/wings
Dale - 16/12/05 at 04:33 AM

I wonder what a set of cycle fenders like these would look like made to fit closely to the wheel. Could be done in two pieces and welded or made in 3 pieces- 2 sides and a center strip riveted.
I may make up a set out of posterboard to see.
Dale Rescued attachment Resize of AXOafterrepaint63.jpg
Rescued attachment Resize of AXOafterrepaint63.jpg

02GF74 - 16/12/05 at 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Dale
I wonder what a set of cycle fenders like these would look like made to fit closely to the wheel. Could be done in two pieces and welded or made in 3 pieces- 2 sides and a center strip riveted.
I may make up a set out of posterboard to see.

they would look like the ones in the photograph, but inb colour and a bit closer to the tyres.