Is it o.k. to mount the seats to the bottom alloy sheet in the pass.area, or do they have to be mounted to the chassis. R.C mounted them to the floor is his book.
I doubt Ali would be strong enough. I have not made the seat mounts yet, but I aim to either use the side rails, or to add some across the width
My floor is 16swg mild steel fully seam welded, but for the seating I still made up some 1" sq mountings for the seats.
Basically, two 1" square cross pieces for each seat (one for each front and rear mountings) with 1/8th" plate drilled for bolts welded to 1" sq.
Drawing in photo archive.
Hope it helps
I saw in a pic on a dax-site that they only have a alloy panel on which the seat(bench) is mounted. My foor is made out of 2mm alloy. So this should be OK?
Surely this depends on the seat!
If you are fitting a classy seat with runners, etc. then you will need to reinforce the floor in some way (cross-members, or whatever).
On the other hand, if you are fitting a fixed seat that's resting against the back panel then it needs no more than something to stop it sliding about
- no matter where you're hit, the seat will play no part in your protection.