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Nosecone and scuttle height
Mark Allanson - 19/3/03 at 05:27 PM

My genuine (but battered) Westfield nose cone is now fitted, I had to raise it by 19mm to clear the cam pulley, and is now 9 1/2" above the chassis. I am just about to make the scuttle, Uncle Ron says 10" high, this would make the bonnet line almost flat. Is this going to make the car look disproportional or should I make a higher scuttle or would this make the car look worse?

I know it may be a matter of personal taste but your opinions are valued


Jon Ison - 19/3/03 at 06:31 PM

bend a bit of flat bar to the shape of a scuttle, lay a bit of card/paper over this and your nose cone to take the shape of bonnet, stand back and see if you like it, just raise/lower the bent flat bar to suit your taste, then build ???

just a thought.......