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is this possable?
ran - 15/4/06 at 02:26 AM

Hello, new to locost, so excuse any questions that have been asked before. Is this Donkervoort car the same dimensions as a standard locost? Looking at building a locost to race (yes have raced and done some building of cars before) I want to do a locost in this style, as in having a roof. I am 6ft so do you with more knowledge with these cars think that i will fit? will a full cage fit etc. I think i will need to scale up a standard locost chassie, but thought id check with the experts. thanx Rescued attachment donkervoortj25_01.jpg
Rescued attachment donkervoortj25_01.jpg

ran - 15/4/06 at 02:37 AM

anotherview Rescued attachment donkervoortj25_03.jpg
Rescued attachment donkervoortj25_03.jpg

daviep - 15/4/06 at 03:02 AM

Sorry can't help you,but that is a nice variation on a theme. Post pics if you build.

dave1888 - 15/4/06 at 07:11 AM

Looks like a Donkervoort to me. heres there site

James - 15/4/06 at 10:14 AM

6 foot you'll fit fine in a standard Locost.

Plenty of way bigger drivers have them.

I made mine bigger and from about halfway through the build onwards I've regretted the larger chassis for having to carry the extra weight!!!

Just re-read your first post. I don't think the Donkeyfart is based on a Locost! They've been around a long time. The chassis is their own (very nice) design with an IRS rear end.


cossey - 15/4/06 at 10:58 AM

that looks a real pain to get into and out of, imagine trying to get out if youve had a crash.

Mr G - 15/4/06 at 01:44 PM

Originally posted by ran
Hello, new to locost, so excuse any questions that have been asked before. Is this Donkervoort car the same dimensions as a standard locost?

Originally posted by dave1888
Looks like a Donkervoort to me. heres there site

ran - 17/4/06 at 01:31 AM

thanx all yes i know the make of this car and the website. Just curious if this would work on a locost chassie.