My mate and I have come to the conclusion that when we have got to that stage, we want an aeroscreen.
Basically what I'm asking is what's out there.
Anyone else using one?
Rich. (4.50am)
Im gonna put one on mine too.
It saves a lot of work just to please the SVA examiner and it looks a damm sight better than a full screen, dunno about practicality tho I guess its
better with a full one. I can do that later anywayz.
Demon Tweeks offer traditional chrome aero-screens (also the Caterham deflector which looks quite sexy!) or the ultimate (if you can afford the £200!!) is the Westfield screen offered on the bike powered cars or you can do as I have done and make some 'plugs' from wood and have some vacuum formed.
Goggles are a good plan I would have thought....
Vacuum forming? Never thought of that..
Where and how much?
I got my vacuum forming done as a favour in High Wycombe but I am told it is not expensive if you make your own plugs. The ones on my car are made from a carbon fibre replica plastic and look the dogs (in my opinion). Goggles, try a full face crash hat. (drove to LeMans in a Westfield and it's bloody cold let me tell you!!)
Just realised Merlin - you're about 5 miles down the A40 from my place in Denham...!
Back on the subject - who do you know in High Wycombe? Would be interested in getting a few bits and pieces done for my XR2000.
aeroscreens and trim try woolies at sva compliant aeroscreen £52.27 ea plus mr blairs 17.5% cut
no connection
I saw a silver Tiger 6 with a plue perspex aero screen the full width of the car it looked realy good. The two colours and the screen that is!
When i get my car built i intend putting on an aero screen but the only thing that worries me is if the car in front throws up a stone or something.
What do you think the chances of this happening are? I'm only going to use the car to blast round a couple mornings a week and the odd track day.
wear a skid lid M8........
If it's an MK scuttle purchase a screen from PTM as he/I/me has a template!
Chris PTM
sorry for the blatent plug!
Did you go through SVA with with the aeroscreen?
Yes came the reply. Check out the pics on my website for SVA story etc...
Yep,cheers chris
Hi guys,
At what height does an areoscreen / wind deflector become a windscreen???
It's when the top of the screen is in line with your eye's i beleive.
Does anyone here drive with an aeroscreen and no crash helmet? If so what's it like and has anything hit you in the head? Also does it add to the
Are there any toughened sun glasses that people use just in case?
Hey Bob, I have just noticed that you are Bob the Builder -he he!
bob the print finisher in the real world.
Bob not building much as i'm still decorating at the moment
I would have thought that driving with an aeroscreen and no 'lid would be like riding a motorbike with an open face helmet on or with open visor. Not fun... ever tasted a fly travelling at 80mph (not that I would ever exceed the speed limit officer)? Its not just stuff getting in your eyes that you need to worry about.
Does anyone here drive with an aeroscreen and no crash helmet? If so what's it like and has anything hit you in the head? Also does it add to the fun??
I am currently driving with no aeroscreen and no helmet. I have a pair of scott goggles, they look a bit daft but are Ok for down the motorway
Jim, i would get yourself an helmet M8, i started on the same route but sooner or later you'll get one in the clock, take it from me the buggers
oh, an helmet as the added advantage of putting 20mph on top speed as wind don't wee you off so much....
...also there's the problem of windnoise - caused deafness in more than a few police motorcyclists, until they got the full-face helmets.
BTW: when I had a ride in Jon's Isonblade I got a fly-strike square in the middle of my sunglasses - would have been straight in my cornea (Eugh!)
do the same as i did, i made 2 aeroscreens but the wind was too much at 70+ so i also made a fold down w/screen, had all the glass toughend was not very dear
If your worried you look silly with a helmet you can get fairly good looking fasionable safety glasses at ARCO. Safety baseball caps are available too (not sure if Arco do them)..thats my intention
Bobble hat, chainsaw mask and sunglasses. That would look scarey, especially if you had an axe mounted on the rollbar. Even scarier, a teletubby
yours, Pete
Sorry to go all budget crazy, but how does the price of a helmet compare to the price of an aeroscreen guys?
Helmets probably cover a fair range, but hopefully they're all as safe as each other - or is that just wishful thinking?
I have a full face Bell that cost me $385 here in the US, but you could buy one for as little as $50. I wouldn't want to bet on it in a crash,
I'm going with a windscreen. We've got some bugs here in Florida that weigh at least a pound and I don't want to catch one of those with my teeth at
In a crash you would get more protection from a helmet than a windscreen/aero screen.
Ok so how many of you out there wear a full face crash helmet and do you feel a tit driving with one on?
I'm having a windscreen cos I want to be able to cruise around town and smile at girlies without a helmet or a pair of WW2 flying goggles in my way,
then be able to blast up an A road without getting a stone in my teeth like my buddy did. Speaking of him, how's this for irony: he got one of his
teeth chipped by a stone...on the way to pick up his windscreen! Ha ha ha haaaaa...I mean bad luck mate.
Plus I actually think they look better with windscreens - more like a car, know what i mean. But it seems I might be in the minority there. Anyone
else actually prefer the look of a windscreen or am I wierd?
Eye protection or without eye protection, you all probably have suffered from mild " Arc Eye " and know just how painful and bloody awful it is. Well I've just had eye surgery ( not from a stone in the eye job )and the pain was just like Arc Eye but goes on for about two weeks. Really awful, so glass's for this kiddy,I don't fancy going through all that again.
Nah - you just can't take the leg-pulling about your hairdo after the trip in the Isonblade!
Oops! 'wayner' got his post in before me!
That dig was aimed at Liam...
I'd forgotten about that actually (or rather blocked it out)
But if anybody wants evidence in support of a windscreen, look no further than the last two pictures in Marcus' photo archive!
Or to summarize:
No windscreen + 120mph = Don King
can an sva passable windscreen be made out of acrylic or some other type of plastic? or does it have to be safety glass
I'm sure it has to be 'E' marked.