FAO All Nosecone Experts, i.e. those who have actually done it successfully!
1: How did you fix your nosecone to the chassis?
2: If you used Dzus fasteners, how many are recommended?
3: Are there any fixing methods neater than the Dzus use?
[Edited on 16/4/03 by Dick Axtell]
Have a look on my photo archive,there a couple of pics of the engine bay pre eng fit that might help.
I only used 2 dzus fasteners on the front underside of cone,the top has verey small ally latches on.
I've answered this on MK9R's thread...
Hi can anyone tell me where to get Dzus fasteners from either by post or in person
I got mine from these people.
Try Rally Design
Editted to say that Bob's Alladin's Cave looks even better!
[Edited on 18/4/03 by geoff shep]
thanks boys