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Headlight Mounting
The Doc - 5/6/06 at 06:21 AM

What's the best arrangement for mounting the lights and finishing the ends of the headlight 'bar' for the SVA man?

nitram38 - 5/6/06 at 08:56 AM

I haven't got a picture, but mine are pieces of angle on the end of round tube.
I have also welded a web across the angle at 45 degrees on the forward facing side of the angle.
The headlamp adjusting nut is just behind the web and is covered with one of those plastic nut cover jobbies.
The angle/web is then covered with 'U' section to radius the edges correctly.
The important thing is to make sure that all radius edges are greater than 2.5mm, so round off the edge where the angle and web meet with a grinder.

[Edited on 5/6/2006 by nitram38]

Surrey Dave - 5/6/06 at 11:05 AM

A piece of Rollbar tube on the end of 25mm tube , you can drill through and thread the wires internally if you like.....And yes I did cut the thread off!!

[Edited on 5/6/06 by Surrey Dave] Rescued attachment headlampmountsml.jpg
Rescued attachment headlampmountsml.jpg