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locot badge
Gaz 1977 - 7/5/08 at 06:45 PM

I have been meening to do this for some time.

I am thinking of knocking up some bonnet badges in metal and putting them on ebay.

what do you chaps think of the idea?

Gaz Rescued attachment LOCOST BADGE jpegg s.jpg
Rescued attachment LOCOST BADGE jpegg s.jpg

speedyxjs - 7/5/08 at 06:49 PM

I like it

kipper - 7/5/08 at 06:56 PM

oooooohh, Did I hear a catering van rumble.
They won't like that, they guard the number seven with thier lives.

Guinness - 7/5/08 at 07:12 PM

Chris_R did a really nice design a few years back.



Stuart_B - 7/5/08 at 07:36 PM

that is a nice.

dhutch - 7/5/08 at 07:53 PM

I like that one of Chris_R's
- I dont have a locost, but i did i might well buy one for it!
- Certianly ive always thought it would be fun to have an upside down 7 grill on one, lol.


robertst - 7/5/08 at 07:58 PM

that in chrome would look the dogs dinglys..!!

rusty nuts - 7/5/08 at 08:01 PM

Made my own grill badge using Chris's design out of a piece of ally .

UncleFista - 7/5/08 at 08:02 PM

Great idea, but the competition is already selling these

He only has the one design though, I have one, it's quite well made.

I would've thought there'd be a market for 'em (I'd buy one!), but I doubt you could retire on the profits

Good luck

[Edited on 7/5/08 by UncleFista]

dhutch - 7/5/08 at 08:10 PM

Originally posted by UncleFista
Great idea, but the competition is already selling these He only has the one design though, I have one, it's quite well made.

I would've thought there'd be a market for 'em (I'd buy one!), but I doubt you could retire on the profits

Good luck

Yeah, ditto.

I got a run of 250 window stickers done for a forum i co-run.
- In 8months ive sold 120 and just about broken even.
- They just self cling printed stickers. 98p each fr the 250. Selling for £1.50 plus £1 postage. Usally in pairs (£4).


skodaman - 8/5/08 at 12:33 AM

Yeh i'd probably buy one. Was gonna put Skodacost on a Skoda badge but the green doesn't go with my red nose cone.

Gaz 1977 - 11/5/08 at 09:23 AM

What do you think of this one?
Which one is the one to go for?

Thanks guys

Gaz Rescued attachment LOCOST BADGE mk2.jpg
Rescued attachment LOCOST BADGE mk2.jpg