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Why you have to key up the panels before you paint them
Mark Allanson - 31/10/08 at 06:27 PM

Just had to share this with you, probably the worst I have seen, the thickest paint film and no cohesion

[Edited on 31/10/08 by Mark Allanson] Rescued attachment Peeling paint.jpg
Rescued attachment Peeling paint.jpg

blakep82 - 31/10/08 at 06:34 PM

thats terrible

doesn't look like that panel's been primed, or the old black paint removed or anything

[Edited on 31/10/08 by blakep82]

BenB - 31/10/08 at 06:56 PM


It is amazing what difference a bit of keying makes though... my experiements with epoxied aliminium proved the importance for me once and for all!!!

MikeR - 31/10/08 at 07:13 PM

i'm trying to figure this out - is that a sheet of silver paint you've pulled from the car?

blakep82 - 31/10/08 at 07:15 PM

is that a bmw?

matt.c - 31/10/08 at 09:23 PM

Hmm? Looks like a VW front wing to me. In the bodyshop trade there is a etch primer that doesnt need "Keying".

Some dont like it and some do, its normally up to the painter. But the pic shown there doesnt seem that have used this product but used the same methods so the paint will just peal off.

Mark Allanson - 31/10/08 at 11:00 PM

Its an Audi A6 where a sloppy painter has fitted a second hand wing, and slapped on a load of colour with no preparation at all. The heavily applied colour has started to peel off in large swaithes as it had nothing to grip to

hillbillyracer - 1/11/08 at 10:21 AM

I was talking to a lad who works in a large body repair workshop, he's a painter & that's all he does, panel beating & filling is done by someone else, surface prep by another & the stripping out & fitting up by someone else again. I can understand that's the way it works in a large place but if they've no training or involvment at all in other related skills then now & again this will result!

BenB - 1/11/08 at 12:31 PM

It looks like it's a nice spray job too. Very bizarre that they could be bothered to do a good spray but not do the prep work first. If that was my car I'd send them the photos and ask WTF they were playing at!!!