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planning / price
Richard Y - 17/10/05 at 11:43 AM

hello again, im trying to make a list of everything id need but am finding it hard do most just get the basic kit then as and when buy the bits as you need them ?

im finding it hard deciding before i start exactly what i will need then working out how much it will set me back

i just done a price up of bits and got an est 7000 with out even adding a lump of money on top extra for bits ive no daubt forgoten

I tryed pricing up comprehensive kit, with r1 engine 03, reverse box and 4 pot calipers inc most things id need of the mnr website that i could think of came to 7k ouch

is that about right for an r1 engined mnr jobbie then ?

any body got any list of there own i can puruse to see if ive missed anything based on bike engine route?

im not sure if i will just take a large wad of cash in and see if mark will throw in everything for free hehehehehe

Dillinger1977 - 17/10/05 at 11:59 AM

if its any help, my r1 quotation was around the 8500 mark without any 'trick' bits. (oh, with reverse box that is!) so an estimated 7000 seems very low to me!

DarrenW - 17/10/05 at 12:14 PM

My advice Richard is dont plan too hard. Its impossible to budget to a fine degree unless you have previous build experience. You will be out by the time you are finished, those ancilliaries and forgotten bits soon mount up. If you are concerned just spread the build over a longer period to make it more affordable.

I started with a 3.5K budget. I realised this wasnt going to buy me what i wanted at the time so i re-calibrated my ideas around a 5K budget. 1 year later im almost finished, picked up some trick bits along the way and am looking at 7K build exc SVA / registration fees, and thats with a Pinto (admittedly it hasnt physically cost me that much after i have traded some bits and sold off old hobby stuff etc butthat is what has been spent). i could have saved cash using 2nd hand parts and not going for stainless system and DD2 but you only live once!!!

Place the order with Marc, get committed and you will be surprised where the cash comes from once your priorities start to change! If everyone who has built a kit is honest they will all spend an average of 6 - 8K. So far i have only drove 2 of these cars very short distances (few miles) at low speeds and the rush was priceless. At speed i can only imagine what the feeling is. 8K is therefore an absolute bargain!!!

Richard Y - 17/10/05 at 12:16 PM

jesus 8500 we starting to get a bit pricey for it, gunna have 4k together sometime about jan so was kinda hoping around the 6500 mark and getting it all finished by next summer

if it sold would i get back more than 9 or 10 k for it then ?

MikeR - 17/10/05 at 12:26 PM

as a general rule - no chance. Kit cars seem to get less than the total cost of parts. It seems your labour is priceless.

Really is a shame considering what we go through to build them and maybe MNR will buck the trend. Sort of hope they do as they do seem really nice people to deal with.

iank - 17/10/05 at 12:28 PM

Doubt many would see £9-10k back for any seven that isn't a caterham.

Kit cars with a few exceptions cost a lot more than you think and take much longer than expected.

Most people forget to add in a lot of things that are required to get on the road (engine/gearbox oil, brake fluid, decent grease, new accelerator cable, SVA test etc etc)

Cheapest way is to buy from someone who enjoys building more than driving.

On the plus side try buying a new tin-top with the same performance for less...

Richard Y - 17/10/05 at 12:29 PM

i hear what your saying your right, its damn cool thing to be blowing the dosh on, by jan ill know more for sure whats going on 1. il be in my neew job loads more dosh so will feel a bit more sucure about spending the money 2. i still need to go for a drive in a bike engined kit car hehe been for a drive in mk's pinto one also had a ride in a 150 bhp pinto one, just gotta make sure bike engines definatly the way i wanna go

DarrenW - 17/10/05 at 12:38 PM

You can easily build a car for 6.5K, and a damn fine one at that if you are careful, take your time and shop around. Mine has physically cost me 6K so far and is almost complete. There are some things i could have budgetted further or spent more wisely. I could have done it for 5.5K with std dash and basic bits and bobs. Problem is i was seduced by the DD2, fancy exhaust and trying to make it look good. my future winter projects already add up to 2K ish so the problem is knowing where to stop.

What do you want the car for? iwent for nice road car, Sunday jaunts out with wife, occasional use commuting to work, some fun on the track hence opting for basic road engine setup. If balls out performance is all you care about then go bec.

The beauty of these beasts is that there are no rules and they are infinitely tweakable / upgradeable. Why not build on budget now then have fun over the next 2 - 3 yrs upgrading.

amalyos - 17/10/05 at 12:46 PM

I had the same thoughts, but 1 drive around Brands with Marc in the R1 powered MNR made my mind up.

I start my R1 Build at the end of the month (hopefully), and have estimated around 8,500 - 9,000 for the RT+. If you go for the basic RT you can bring that down by around 1,500 just on the Kit price.


smart51 - 17/10/05 at 12:48 PM

I priced up everything that I thought I'd need for an R1 engined VortX. The total was £7500 including engine and sierra donor parts off the shelf.

I hadn't thought about lots of things. Nuts, bolts, Hoses and clips, brackets, hinge and lock for boot lid, more SVA nut covers and edge trim, extra wiring sundries... I reckon about £8000 spent so far and I THINK I have everything.

nick205 - 17/10/05 at 01:05 PM

I don't know how much I've spent so far, but much more than I planned for!

As has been mentioned, you invariably end up selling/swapping/aquiring parts along the way and a bit of research usually yields a better price than the first one you are given.

I also look at in as much as I usually spend my time in the garage and not the pub, which if you think about means you're saving money or so I tell the wife. Although I have been known to locate a small stach of ale in the garage for a more refreshing build

Ultimately you just need to go for it and see what happens. If you don't you'll always wonder if you could have done it....

donut - 17/10/05 at 02:33 PM

I am on budget to spend close to £4k on my car. I have managed to get alot of parts from ebay and used nut's, bolts and sundries from my last build. My kit was 2nd hand, part built and had £4k worth of suff with it. I sold some of the parts which went towards the bit's i needed. I bought the 2nd hand kit for £2800 so saved myself over a grand!

I can honestly say that i will be very close to £4k but i have been careful on what i purchased (not always though )

If you bought an unfinished project and used the donor engine then £3,500 i would think would be an absolute minimum.

This is all just to get through SVA. After that it will be new this and new that so the spending never really stops!

[Edited on 17/10/05 by donut]

richardR1 - 17/10/05 at 05:38 PM

I reckon to have spent a little over £6k and I have got everything now and just about finished. Ebay can be invaluable if you spend the time hunting for things. Don't forget to budget for bike clocks, speedohealer and power commander all of which can add £300 ish. I have compared prices really closely and I think an MK can be built for less than an MNR which might be a thought if you're looking to keep a check on the budget.

andy d (rizla) - 17/10/05 at 05:42 PM

richard,im in essex not too far away from you(norfolk?)

if you want a go in a vortx with a bike engine your more than welcome to a ride

as for price if you get a mnr on the road for under 7k or any other seven of this type youve done incredibly well

mine was a turn key car,and the first one and ive totaled everything up and it comes to about £10,500, but id never sell it or get any other,so the cost dont matter to me

and as everyone will tell you,its once its on the road you start spending the money,upgrade this,change that,ooh want one of those etc,trust me it never ends

emsfactory - 17/10/05 at 05:50 PM

My locost is gonna come in at around three grand when road legal. Its only a 16oo crosflow but ive got a set of 17s with toyos, willans harnesses etc. Ebay is great for buying up failed projects. Just take what you need and punt the rest. Also, if you have to make bits then make more and sell them. Ive sold loads of fuel tanks, axel brackets and cycle wings. It all brings costs down. Ps if anyone is looking for any of the aforementioned bits get in touch.

Richard Y - 17/10/05 at 06:18 PM

yeah andy im norfolk way not too far from ya, i promise ill be taking you up on that offer one day, soon as the new job pans out im gunna have weekends off apparently saterdays are good days for locating kit car owners in there cars

hmm its a tuff decission i keep on thinking of new bits to up the price loooool

im looking at 7 8 and 9k really then depending on how i go about getting the bits

surely if i spend money on the decnt parts eg: full race spec exhuast from mnr the car is then theretically worth more than a simialar car which can then be added to the resell value unlike normal cars which follow a general price guide line based on age and adding a big exhust does nothing to the value? ?

andy d (rizla) - 17/10/05 at 06:50 PM

yep weekends are great for me,just let me know when

i may have a biased opinion,but i think a mnr when/if it comes up for sale will fetch a very good price,after all its been desighned by a touring car driver with a vast race knollege

it may cost a tad more to do a mnr but i think the product speaks for itself

G.Man - 19/10/05 at 06:39 AM

The problem with planning this stuff is the plan rarely goes to course...

If you (by some miracle) manage to plan every nut bolt rivet hose clip etc to the nth degree you may get close, but never accurate...

I started with an 11k budget which is now closer 14k, but hey ho, thats the way it goes...

Luckily due to a change of plans, i will now save some tax when I move to cyprus in december...

Richard Y - 19/10/05 at 09:08 AM

lol good to hear bud

id luv the cosworth power but youll be in cyprus by the time my money turns from assets to free cash lol

must have gone decidedly tits up for you not to finsish it

G.Man - 19/10/05 at 05:46 PM

Well there is no major rush for the money as MNR are being paid for the cossie parts, and they wont charge me the shortfall until the cossie stuff is sold...

I can't speak more highly of MNR and the way they have helped me out of this fix, they have even bought me a 4,000 mile zx12r motor to fit, dry sump, all the goodies to help me out of a hole...

Top Blokes...

Hellfire - 19/10/05 at 07:42 PM

ZX12R........ Good choice. But then we are biased

G.Man - 19/10/05 at 07:54 PM

Yes I felt the zx12r would give me greater budget control for the future than the money pit hayabusa, plus I have always had a soft spot for Kawasakis..

To get back on track of richards thread, the R1 carb version is also an excellent choice with its lack of need for a dry sump and fantastic power delivery...

My brothers Powerbike is putting out more horsepower than a zx12r or a hayabusa would in stock trim, so is a great start with lots of future potential as funds allow...

Richard Y - 19/10/05 at 11:41 PM

see this is where i go wrong lol i dont know sod all about bikes ive been told the 02/03 models best for the r1 in the kit car is that true also 160 horses

Hellfire - 20/10/05 at 11:37 AM

Don't think you'd be disappointed with any year of bike engine.......