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BEC Insurance, oh and Legal Expenses
a4gom - 24/11/11 at 02:10 PM

That time again for me, up to last year it was costing me £130-140 per year fully comp 300 miles cap with Sureterm. Last year it went up to £170, I rang them and queried the jump and during the conversation they claimed they didn't know it was a BEC and kindly put it up to £220 (I stayed with them as they were still the cheapest I could find at the time).
Anyway they now want £289.

So the question is have any of you BEC boys got a decent quote recently? Who with?

Second question, Legal expenses, I seem to be paying this on all my policies, £25 for my road car, £25 for the wifes, £25 for the Westfield ...... is this a personal thing or attached to the vehicle. I.e. can I just pay it on my road car and still be covered.
Is it actually worth it anyway?

Johneturbo - 24/11/11 at 02:27 PM

I'd like to know the asnwer to the legal expenses Q as i have it with the kit my road car my bike and the better halfs car so 4X

Insurance for BEC seems so have gone up with this "bike engine loading" they call it, to me just an excuse to ramp up the price
i'm paying about £350 for my ZX14 engined MNR

birdii - 24/11/11 at 02:45 PM

seem to remember that my GEM breakdown membership included legal cover for any of your vehicles so I stopped paying it.
They tried to sell it with my house insurance this year too - insurance companies get worse and worse!
I'm gonna stop bonus cover too, its all adding up too much.

twybrow - 24/11/11 at 02:49 PM

Talk to 2Gether = I am 30, and pay less than 150quid for my BEC....

For legal expenses, I circumvent the issue you are having, by having htem as part of my RAC membership. That way, they cover everything!

MikeFellows - 24/11/11 at 04:56 PM

Ive not got to this yet as my car isnt finished

but why do I have to tell them its a BEC, it will be on the V5 as a 1340cc engine - nowhere will it say BEC

as far as i am concerned its a 1.3, however if they ask I wont lie, but i certainly wont be coming forward with unnecessary information

fullpint - 24/11/11 at 05:27 PM

Had my renewal thru the post yesterday.. Neil Willes want over £400 from me!! Ouch.. I'm 48 (still) and 3500 miles/year..

Went on-line and Frank Pickles is coming in at £266.99 I may give Adrian Flux a go and then just take the cheapest..

ReMan - 24/11/11 at 05:48 PM

Originally posted by MikeFellows
Ive not got to this yet as my car isnt finished

but why do I have to tell them its a BEC, it will be on the V5 as a 1340cc engine - nowhere will it say BEC

as far as i am concerned its a 1.3, however if they ask I wont lie, but i certainly wont be coming forward with unnecessary information

Unless it comes up on their choose from list you'll have to
Unless its a Caterfield it wont be on any list.
Besides you'll styill get it cheaper from a specialist than yoyur tin top policy anyway

fullpint - 10/1/12 at 03:23 PM

Originally posted by fullpint
Had my renewal thru the post yesterday.. Neil Willes want over £400 from me!! Ouch.. I'm 48 (still) and 3500 miles/year..

Went on-line and Frank Pickles is coming in at £266.99 I may give Adrian Flux a go and then just take the cheapest..

Ended up paying £280 plus £50 breakdown, done thru Frank Pickles
Was expecting to pay under £200 but I guess they have put up the premiums again...
Still as of Saturday morning I'm back on the road

mad-butcher - 14/2/12 at 06:15 PM

legal protection is a load of old bollox, some-one hits you you go to your solicitor put the case in their hands they then claim their expenses off the other parties insurance.
I'm with Sure Term and they are the only company who give you a breakdown of the costs of the policy, last year I noticed the insurance was £175 and the cost of managing the policy was £100, when they phoned me to renew I declined on the grounds that I thought £100 for printing a document was a bit excessive, within seconds I was asked if I considered £50 more reasonable, I was then happy to renew. It's had me thinking since then though how much my other insurers are charg me for "policy management"

Hellfire - 14/2/12 at 06:37 PM

With regards to insurance companies, we've been with Adrian Flux for the last eight years. Every anniversary they try increasing the premium on their renewal but I always phone around the others for the cheapest quote and then go back to Flux and get them to beat it. So far, they have always managed to beat the cheapest quote.......


mad-butcher - 15/2/12 at 08:52 PM

Just got my renewal from Sureterm and yes they have remembered from last year I wasn't happy with the £100 charge £46 I can live with £231 total.

nickw2000 - 15/2/12 at 10:11 PM

Adrian flux for me and my westy megablade, £145 fully comp, they did try and put my renual to £218 but a phone call and they brought it down to what I payed last year