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First drive
peter030371 - 20/6/17 at 09:17 AM

After 3 1/2 years building came to work in Pixy (nickname for her) as the MOT is next door at lunch time

MOT day
MOT day

Engine is OK but most certainly needs mapping on the RR as expected. First impression of a windscreen less Striker is its not really any different to the windscreen version! In some respects it's less buffeting but I only just touched 50mph and most was 30-40mph.

Lot less 'twitchy' than my previous (live axled) Striker on the road with less rear end 'crashing' on some of the rougher B roads and I am sure the suspension/ tracking etc is still not quite right so more performance to come from that side

Biggest issue on the drive in (which shows how happy I was) is that I seem to have got the steering wheel set to the 2 o'clock position when going straight ahead which then hides half the Dash2 so I couldn't see my speed or the (low) revs! Easy fix though

peter030371 - 23/7/17 at 07:51 PM

After a few more teething issues with the steering wheel wiring I finally got out for a short run in the finished (well as finished as they ever are) car this morning before the rain arrived.

Considering the suspension is not set up I was very pleased with the handling, certainly a lot less 'twitchy' over the lumps and bumps of our A and B roads than my old Live Axle Striker. Still a hard ride but so much more predictable than before. I was unsure how much difference IRS would make on a Striker and I can say its a massive difference IMHO

The engine is great and just pulls and pulls to the red line (only in first line in second is above any UK speed limit!). Water and Oil temperatures/ pressures seem well controlled and sensible. ATSpeed have done a good job with the engine map. Despite the protests/ warnings from them and others it idles just fine on the roller barrel throttle bodies at the moment, time will tell if it stays like that.

I am going to have to wear ear plugs though, the air noise past my old ears hurt after a few minutes at higher speeds!

Still need to adjust the brakes a 'tad' (OK a LOT) too much rear bias at the moment makes hard breaking a sideways experience

I am going to get her wheel alignment measured next and see if I want to tweek anything or leave as is to get used to her a bit more

Samuele - 24/7/17 at 07:46 PM

It makes me very pleased to know that by now you have almost completed your car.
It makes me even more want to speed up my reconstruction work.
Also good is knowing your rating about live axle against IRS.
So i'm optimistic that i did the right thing by changing from live axle to IRS

peter030371 - 25/7/17 at 08:09 AM

Originally posted by Samuele
It makes me very pleased to know that by now you have almost completed your car.
It makes me even more want to speed up my reconstruction work.
Also good is knowing your rating about live axle against IRS.
So i'm optimistic that i did the right thing by changing from live axle to IRS

How are you getting on Sam? any more picture updates?

Samuele - 25/7/17 at 01:26 PM

If I can find some time on the weekend,
I insert some photos of the works