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money or lack of
eccsmk - 10/7/09 at 09:55 PM

**edited heavily**

sorry folks.
lets just say im owed money.

[Edited on 10/7/09 by eccsmk]

prawnabie - 10/7/09 at 09:58 PM

you not on your own mate, alot of people are struggling to trade on 30 days credit at the moment!

chasmon - 10/7/09 at 09:58 PM

Sorry to hear about your money troubles mate. Credit crunch has hit a lot of us in one way or another. (I'm on 20% reduced salary but full time still).

What business is it you are in? Can you reclaim any of the materials etc as surely technically they're not paid for yet...

Prawnabie your comment just reminded me to pay my overdue builders merchants bill in the morning...

[Edited on 10/7/09 by chasmon]

daniel mason - 10/7/09 at 10:00 PM

i kind of know how you feel. i am not in trouble with a bank but 3/4 of the way through the mnr build i ran out of money and had to use the money i had saved up to move house this year. i think i am going to be forced to sell,which is not what i want! sorry about your situation by the way

Rek - 10/7/09 at 10:01 PM

It's a crap time for sure, but we are just starting to see signs it's turning around. Best advice (i know you wre not asking) for now is cut costs and keep kissing frog's (our sales guy's term for bidding)

eccsmk - 10/7/09 at 10:03 PM

im a plumber not corgi/gas safe registered
but stick to domestic plumbing of bathrooms etc.

the banks took all that was/wasnt left
there were three of us out of pocket on the first job

and 5 of us on the second

has anyone got a spare seat going (passenger) for a forthcoming trackday ?

[Edited on 10/7/09 by eccsmk]

blakep82 - 10/7/09 at 10:03 PM

hope you get tourself sorted soon mate

surely the banks must have some sort of protection for this kind of thing? no?

eccsmk - 10/7/09 at 10:08 PM

thank you all
ive taken the numbers names etc thank you hicost

blake ive been trying to sort this for a while
i have tried almost everything to hold it all off.

ill just keep the smile and work until i find a solution

ritchunt - 10/7/09 at 10:20 PM

where are you mate i have a spare cobra monaco if its any gud to you, your probley miles away from newcastle like? lol

200mph - 10/7/09 at 10:25 PM

Feel free to U2U me more details and I'll see if I can offer any suggestions.
All the best


[Edited on 10/7/09 by 200mph]

eccsmk - 10/7/09 at 10:29 PM


blakep82 - 10/7/09 at 10:39 PM

wheres the trackday?

eccsmk - 10/7/09 at 10:42 PM


eccsmk - 10/7/09 at 10:46 PM

thank you to everyone for their help and support.

ill stick to u2u messages for any more info/help an this subject from now.

thanks again

blakep82 - 10/7/09 at 11:22 PM

u2u 2u2
sorry, i always wanted to say that

eccsmk - 10/7/09 at 11:24 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
u2u 2u2
sorry, i always wanted to say that

2u2u@S 2u2

ChrisW - 11/7/09 at 12:05 AM

Where are you based? I've got a plumbing job I need doing for cash?


Guinness - 11/7/09 at 06:15 AM

Originally posted by ChrisW
Where are you based? I've got a plumbing job I need doing for cash?


Same here!


matt.c - 11/7/09 at 07:34 AM

Urm, not any good with this stuff mate but keep your chin up.

Dangle_kt - 11/7/09 at 08:08 AM

BNI... wow blast from the past.

Originally posted by hicost
Hi, sorry to hear all this, don’t muck around, I met the following person at my once a week BNI meeting this morning and he seemed a no nonsense get things done person. Ring him tell him the problem and I believe he will help. Don’t not do it, you have nothing to loose, help yourself, no one else will. Good luck


Dear all

Once again, thank you for your warm welcome this morning at your BNI chapter. I found the experience both informative and enjoyable and have clearly met some very committed business people which was refreshing.

In my exitement to leave the house early this morning I grabbed my box of spare cards which only have the main debtDr head office details and not my personal contact numbers, please accept my apologies for this and would hope that you will not insist I give my chocolates back. Here is my mobile number which can also be found at the footer of the email.

07865 047013

I also did not get to speak with everyone this morning so if you want to hear more about the service that I provide then please call me, I would be happy to set aside some time to speak with you.

Nigel Brown
Debt Dr

Debt Dr Head Office
Frogmary Green Farm
South Petherton
TA13 5DJ
M: 07865 047013
T: 0845 123 4000
F: 0870 755 7693

[Edited on 10/7/09 by hicost]

Richard Quinn - 11/7/09 at 09:17 AM

It's across the board. We now have customers demanding 90 day terms on a take it or leave it basis and suppliers wanting pre-payment or, at best, 14 day terms. Not easy!

richardh - 11/7/09 at 10:54 AM

its getting worse i think.
I'm an IT project manager and the amount of stuff on hold, cancelled, no budget, etc has killed folks like me.

I've been jobless for 3 months now (although did turn one down in Leeds due to family).

So many other PM's also out of work.

All the signs look like we've got another 12-18 months like this and even worse.

Sorry for the doom and gloom but i feel better for sharing

eccsmk - 11/7/09 at 12:30 PM

the mighty shire of lincoln

Originally posted by Guinness
Originally posted by ChrisW
Where are you based? I've got a plumbing job I need doing for cash?


Same here!
